A double tragedy / As is so often the case, a Family member (his wife) tried to act as the “bell sheep” to signal to those she thought would intervene to help the situation that it was spiraling out of control. When it does there is much gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands but never, never the resources necessary to get ahead of this tsunami. I will never stop advocating until our Centers come on line and hundreds more just like them follow around this Country. We owe these men and women and their families a debt of gratitude and we should be creating our own advocacy tsunami to make sure that they are not left behind by this Country http://wapo.st/zm0rTk
Money Saved at Misdiagnosed Vets’ Expense
http://bit.ly/sEqCXd This type of injustice must never go unchallenged. Thanks to the Vietnam Veterans of America for mounting the challenge. To all veterans advocates I say stay on message in fighting against injustice as it concerns military/veterans initiatives and over time the public will rally to that message.
Happy New Year to All
The cost of the Iraq war
Researched by those w/ impeccable credentials to do so / http://bit.ly/ryZiak
For Gukf War I vets pay particular attention to this assertion in the article: ” Combat exposure to a variety of substances causes new and unexplained problems; for instance, the US Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses only recently confirmed that Gulf War syndrome is a recognized condition experienced by more than 175,000 veterans of the 1991 Gulf War, likely caused by use of pyridostigmine bromide, to protect against nerve gas, and the use of pesticides. If you’re in this Group and are having unexplained problems, time to check into the potential for Gukf War Syndrome being the correct diagnosis for you. As w/ Vietnam vets and our battles w/ the DVA over Agent Orange, science is always on the side of truth/
American soldiers have left Iraq, but Iraq hasn’t left America’s soldiers
So true / We haven’t even begun to see its aftermath / http://bit.ly/sfaxFM
Rise in PTSD cases from two wars strains resources
More evidence of systemic failure as if we needed the confirmation: http://usat.ly/sfiynB
Study suggests feelings of guilt may be a top factor in PTSD
Great article-a must read / “Moral injury”, a term that needs to be more front and center when it comes to discussions surrounding the psychic wounds of war. The terms relevancy in the treatment of these psychic wounds is spot on. http://usat.ly/tB334U
Press Secretary Cites Concerns of Sexual Assault in Ranks
The 900-pound gorilla in the room. Sensitive subject area at all command-levels-/ http://1.usa.gov/w1f4aQ
Dr. Biden: Nation Must Join to Support Military Children
Worth reading. However, to date around this issue we’ve seen a lot more hooh-hah than doo-ah. I’ve had first hand experience w/ this in Seattle. I spoke w/ a multi-national company based here who has as a charitable initiative encompassing supporting children’s health and education. When I called to inquire about their philanthropic program they told me it “didn’t include children of the military”- I was stunned. I am working hard to have them see the egregious error of such a policy /http://1.usa.gov/u6oXHJ
Study Examines Dwell Times, Mental Health Issues
Interesting new study-Clearly, stretching Force strength through multiple deployments delays seeking treatment for those struggling w/ the stressors of such deployments. http://1.usa.gov/vFf6Tu
An unexpected battle
Another indicator of the correlation between joblessness among vets and employer bias concerning PTSD. http://bit.ly/rqy1eS