Excellent research-Worth the read @ http://bit.ly/jf6Pt1
Virtual worlds and technology used to treat PTSD
A team of psychologists have also created a new mobile application program for smart phone users to reduce the stress associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury, called Breathe2Relax. It is available for free for iPhone® users. An Android version will be available by the end of July. The application has more than 15,000 users world wide. http://bit.ly/mhU8Z6
A Resource Post: VA Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Claims Attorneys
Veterans are at increased risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to their exposure to trauma while in service. Approximately three out of 10 combat veterans experience PTSD, while an additional two or three will suffer from partial PTSD sometime in their lives.
Individuals who suffer from a psychological or mood disorder such as PTSD often suffer from an additional mood or affective disorder. These can include anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. For example, persons with PTSD may experience clinical depression as well. The compound effects of additional disorders are dangerous and debilitating.
If you are a veteran in need of disability benefits due to anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, contact us at 888-883-2483 today. Your consultation is free. http://bit.ly/kXwyr8
A quote from a speech by Teddy Roosevelt to Veterans on July 4, 1903
“A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled, and less than that no man shall have.” Speech to veterans, Springfield, IL, July 4, 1903
As we approach July 4, 2011 let us never forget the clarity and truth of these words; “no man shall have less”. It is my pledge to all who visit this blog that I will never stop until this Nation’s deeds match its “Support Our Troops” rhetoric.
After Combat, the Unexpected Perils of Coming Home
Excellent NY Times article on the range of adaptive behaviors as warriors rotate Home http://nyti.ms/k50cbc
Returning veterans encounter VA mental health meltdown
Tales of 3 Marines underscore court decision blasting ‘unchecked incompetence’ at agency http://on.msnbc.com/kYzK9k
Spirituality And Technology: Helping War Vets Get Back On Track
The PTSD Coach, a recently released iPhone application that aims to help service members and veterans cope with post traumatic anxiety.http://huff.to/mTroeB
Our misperceptions of what PTSD looks like not only keeps World War II veterans from getting the help they need, but it will affect the level of support available to our soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. It is time to realize that there is no good war, and there is no victor. Everyone returns from war wounded, bringing their war home into the hearts of their families. That is the cruelest aspect of going to war, that the veteran isn’t able to protect that which he or she holds most dear: his or her family. http://bit.ly/mCaKyL
Female veterans and PTSD: Fighting an invisible injury
“So why would a person with PTSD want to go to the place that caused it?” Easy. “Because over there,” she says, “I’m normal.” http://lat.ms/mewWzD
Women on war front more likely to get post-traumatic stress disorder than men, study finds
Women deployed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are emerging as a group especially vulnerable to post-traumatic stress disorder, researchers reported this week at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Assn. http://lat.ms/kQBbbT